and asking me if I keep all kinds of random stupid shit.  The kitchen sink sloshes and steams with discarded pasta water as we discuss the theory that all artistic types are packrats.  And I nod knowingly - I do, in fact, keep all kinds of random stupid shit, including plenty which passed their expiration date well before I was able to grow a beard (true story), hoping vainly that on one shiny incandescent day far into the future, the scattered pieces of my creative consciousness will spontaneously coalesce into a masterpiece.  But as any length of time spent pursuing the arts will teach you, those sorts of days never happen.

However, every once in a while, you get lucky.  Willis and I transformed a typical piece of castaway creativity into our very first co-written song.  We've both been in a creative funk lately and having something new to kick into the ears of the masses - a lilty and melodic gem entitled "Watching The Ceiling" - does a lot to restore some lost confidence.  It's that first goal after a seven-game drought where the defensemen share the name Clark Kent and the opposing goalies have water bottles filled with Kool-Aid.  Songwriting, as with everything else in life, is best explained in hockey metaphor.

So hang this one on your fridge, Grandma - there's a lot more to come.

P.S. - We're gonna name our next record "Pittsburgh Skyline", no matter what that other guy says.  Don't tell him I let you know, though!